corporate social responsibility policy

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goes beyond compliance with laws and regulations, assuming compliance and strict compliance. In this sense, labour legislation and environmental regulations are the starting point along with environmental responsibility. The accomplishment of these basic regulations implies the obligations that any company must fulfil simply by performing its activity.
The CSR implies compliance with the legislation of reference for its activity but also, within this concept, a set of practices, strategies and business management systems are included that seek a new balance between the economic, social and environmental dimensions. CSR aims for excellence within the company, paying special attention to people and their working conditions, as well as the quality of their production processes.
Looking to achieve our objectives in this area and satisfy the increasing sustainability demanded by our employees, clients, suppliers and society in general, IRIUM has the greatest respect for all the following principles and performance guidelines and is committed to their compliance and application in our business activity:
1. To acknowledge and respect at all times the laws that apply to us and to act in an ethically-committed way with society and related areas, our supply chain in this compliance when appropriate. These general recruitment principles, among others, are:
• Respect for the human rights in the treatment for all interests groups (employees, clients, suppliers, local surrounds
• Respect the current legality.
• Total rejection of forced labour.
• Total rejection of child labour.
• Equality and Diversity: Rejection of discrimination of any kind (sex, disability, V.2.0 16/07/2018 Page 2 of 2 ethnicity, age or lifestyle) in professional relations.
2. To ensure that bribery and corruption are not part of our business practices and to ensure the confidentiality of information to which we have access and the protection of intellectual property rights. In particular, no person of IRIUM, its agents or subcontractors, may pay commissions, grant discounts or gifts of significant value to any customer or their subsidiaries, either to enter into any commercial agreement with customers or any subsidiary of those customers or any related company, without the prior written authorization of the client.
3. To provide services in accordance with the international employment standards, including the rejection of forced or compulsory labour, the refusal of child labour, the promotion of freedom of association and collective bargaining, as well as compliance with working conditions and health and safety standards, while respecting fundamental human rights.
4. We are responsible both for our compliance and the compliance of our subcontractors with these contracting principles. For the purposes of this clause, we may additionally impose our own standards of business conduct on our subcontractors, expressly ensuring that their rules of business conduct will be at least as strict as the procurement principles set out here.
5. Periodically review our own and our subcontractors' compliance with the procurement principles by immediately assessing and managing any changes that have a negative impact on procurement.
Managing Director